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Dinder National Park

Dinder National Park

Dinder National Park is an impressive, attractiveandgreatest game reserves in Africa supporting a significant population of larger mammals, lions, buffaloes, turtles, leopards, cheetah, warthogs and extensive array of fauna and flora, with an area of 10000 square kms.
Dinder National Park supports a large population of wild animals, including but not limited to lions, leopards and cheetah; and their preys – such as: reed buck, bush buck, water buck, oribi. Herds of buffaloes can also found. Elephants migrate to the park during the wet season. Pythons, monitor lizards, and various species of snakes can also be found here. And many kinds of birds are also over there. The most dominant groups of mammals found in the park include the baboons, which are very many. People around the park consider these baboons as pests; little do these people realize that, it is they humans who have settled in to and are encroaching into the natural habitat of these animals. Apart from being hunted by humans, the baboons have to live with their other natural enemies: the hyenas which hunt and eat them. Reportedly, Dinder, has a high level of biodiversity of many species, in addition to an unknown number of smaller mammals.

Warthogs are common and can be found tilling the soil in search of tubers and roots. Hares and squirrels are restricted to the marginal parts of the park. Colorful sparrows, marabou stocks and pelicans are commonly seen near the ponds. Reportedly, there are 27 types of mammals in the park and 200-250 species of birds; and many reptiles, fish and other animals. Dinder, also, has extensive wetlands and ponds formed after floods (locally known as mayas) which have waterfowl such as: ducks, tree ducks, yellow-billed storks, ibises, egrets, guinea fowls, pelicans, vultures, kingfishers, crown cranes and herons.

Dinder National Park also has a diverse, unique and extensive array of fauna and flora. The wetlands, or the mayas, play a very important role in the park; not only for providing water for the many animals and plants (and humans) in and around the park, they also provide a much needed stopping point for the many migrating birds flying over Sudan. The wetlands are also breeding grounds for fish, amphibians, water dwelling insects and other micro-organisms. And for some birds, reptiles and some small mammals. As important and beneficial as these wetlands are to the wildlife of the park, it is the water they hold that draws and is drawing people, especially the many farmers, to the area. Farmers, many of whom use mechanized means, who are least concerned and who seem to understand very little of the importance of the park and its wildlife.

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