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Sudan enjoys magnificent ancient heritage reflected in 300+ pyramids stretching in an area of 400 kms north to the capital city of Khartoum. These civilization and antiquities translating a great attraction for local and international tourists. These heritage covers Al-Naqa, Al-Musawarat, Meroe, Al-Berkel mountain, Old Dongla and others.

These areas and others saw ancient civilizations proved by the remains of the pyramids and temples, with a great part of them still lying unearthed. These areas attract many experts and researchers in this field. In addition, they are considered archaeological sites not experiencing any tourist leap before, despite the availability of huge resources in them. These antiquities which reflect the glory and history of the Sudanese people, beside the existence of many other antiquities in other areas deserve concern to attract tourists from abroad to get acquainted with the history of the country at that time.

In East Sudan, at Sawakin area on the Red Sea, there are great antiquities indicating the existence of a historically great period of Sudan’s history. Sawakin island, for example, is considered one of the areas which witnessed urban development and unique styles of architecture. It is now regarded as one of the world’s few areas in this field. There are many tourists interested in this aspect of history and who can be attracted to these sites.

The most important archaeological sites include:

Sai: it is an island lies to the south of the second cataract. It contains many antiquities including temples, monuments and cemeteries which almost represent all the cultural periods of the first stone age. They also represent the Pharaohnic period till the advent of the Ottoman Rule.

Sadinga: It contains some temples which represent the Pharaohnic period, besides some other cemeteries concerning Nabta and Merowe.

Soleb: It contained a temple that dates back to the Pharaohnic period and other antiquities of Egyptian and Merowetic origins.

Tombus: Egyptian writings have been found in this area inscribed on rocks lying near the third cataract and a statue which dates back to the Merowetic period.

Karma: It is one of the most important archaeological sites in Sudan. It enjoys huge buildings made of unbaked bricks and is known as “Al-Duafoofah”, which dates back to the 203rd century B.C.

Kawa: This site has a number of temples of Egyptian origin as it also represents the Kush era.

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